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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This recipe was given by a good friend of mine. She has been a good listener and such a god friend. She has passed me this recipe and said that she wouldn't mind sharing it with others.

At the very first attempt, I was successful to bake the cake and became very fond of baking. The taste of the cake which is rich in cheese flavour and the sweetness of the blueberry make my children really crazy for it. It is easy to prepare the ingredients and also the process is not that tedious like other recipe of baking cakes. I like it so much!

The ingredients are:

1. 15 pieces of marie biscuits (Tiger Brand) - crushed
2. 30g-50g of melted butter

1. 2 eggs
2. 200ml whipping cream (emborg)
3. 250g Philadelphia Cream Cheese
4. 70g castor sugar (also can use the granulated one)
5. 2 heaps tbs flour
6. 1tbs lemon juice

1.  Blueberry topping


Mix the crushed biscuit with the butter. Place it in the baking pan. Press lightly. Then, chilled for 20 minutes.

Put all the ingredients in a mixer or food processor. Blend them. Then, pour it onto the base. After heating the oven in about 15 minutes, bake the cake in 45 minutes (175 degree Celsius). When it is cooked, cool it in the oven by making a small opening of the oven door. After that, chill it in the fridge. Best served after 4 hours it has been refrigerated.The blueberry topping can be spreaded on the top of the cake once it is cold.

Good Luck and have fun with baking.....

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Semua orang memiliki hobi, dari hobi melukis, memasak, bermotor besar, menjahit dan sebagainya. Salah satu hobi kegemaran saya ialah memasak.

Apabila saya gembira, saya akan memasak. Saya suka melihat orang lain makan masakan saya. Terutama anak- anak. Saya akan berusaha bersungguh- sungguh memenuhi kehendak citarasa anak- anak saya dalam makanan.

Apabila saya sedih, saya juga akan memasak. Segala kesedihan dan kerunsingan saya akan hilang sedikit demi sedikit apabila saya mula menumpukan perhatian pada masakan saya. Segala masalah saya akan saya lupakan apabila saya mula memasak. Terutama sekali jika memasak kek, muffin, mini cake, dan sebagainya. Apabila saya mula menimbang berat tepung, menyukat gula, susu dan sebagainya, fikiran saya teralih. Beban fikiran mula terasa ringan. 

Kalau mahu mengurangkan stress, tidak semestinya kita perlu memasak. Kita cuma perlu lakukan sesuatu yang kita benar- benar suka.